Finding Freedom

Today is Mental Health day and many people are sharing and posting to create awareness. Some of you might wonder why do we need to create awareness? For me it is very simple... if not treated it can cause death and you, yes you, who is reading this can be the beginning of the cure. Contrary to many physical health issues where we need medical doctors with years of studies, this is one condition that you, me, any of us can start the healing process by just saying: I hear you, tell me more, I love you, I’m here for you, I see you, I’ll stop by, let’s get coffee or tea, I believe you. You can be that one person that makes a difference and what a difference that is. Many of us tend to think we do not know anybody with this illness because there’s an extreme belief that you’re either found in a mental health institution or a dysfunction in our society and that’s not true. Before it gets to that point, long before, we are walking all around you. Yes, I said we, and more specifically me...